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Hey all,
I have tried reloading the page like the error suggests no avail, I have come across this in all the markup editors for the CMS module. I have been doing some testing and trying to figure out what causes this and there isn't any pattern.
Produces Error:
<li class="widget subscribe-widget clearfix">
<h3 class="widget-title">Subscribe</h3>
<input type="text" data-value="Enter your email address" value="Enter your email address"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
Produces Error:
<input type="text">
Produces Success:
<input type="text"/>
This only scratches the surface since I cannot edit any of my files within the backend.
Just wondering if anyone else has come across this problem and can reproduce the same results as above?
Last updated
Hey guys,
Found out this only happens in an Apache environment with mod_security and gets triggered by rule 350148.
I fixed this by disabling mod_security. Other ways you could do this is adding exceptions to mod security.
Disabling mod_security isn't a good option. Why is it having this error? It isn't cross-domain?
I found out that a normal rule set is the issue. -
So the IDs are likely different if this isn't your rule provider. I posted about OctoberCMS to their forum. Hopefully they see it and help us out.
I think this provider is a common one as it appears OC Portal uses it. CentOS/WHM/Cpanel
Last updated
Just started to get this problem myself, my host puts a timed block each time it happens, so after a few modifications I'm locked out for an hour.
Anyone found a work around that doesn't require disabling mod_security?
The error log i get is: 350147 UNSUPPORTED DELAYED Rules: Potentially Untrusted Web Content Detected 1 **.*** \"$MS_DATA\"
Last updated
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