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Hi, I'm using the ImportExportBehaviour and sets a custom form fields at export configuration. In there I have to datepickers "created_at_from" and "created_at_to", my idea was to use them to filter the export by a daterange:
$query = Lead::query();
if ($this->created_at_from) {
$query->where('created_at', '>=', $this->created_at_from);
if ($this->created_at_to) {
$query->where('created_at', '<=', $this->created_at_to);
$leads = $query->get();
But this options are being used by the query I guess, because of the error:
"created_at_from" on line 404 of C:\path\to\project\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model.php
Since there is no "created_at_from" column, just the "created_at" from timestamps.
In fact, just take a look at: Its filling the Model with the ExportOptions, no matter what ExportOptions are.
Possible bug or am I doing something wrong?
Wow, got it.
Have traced down then I found what causes the error, it was a MassAssignmentException:
Keys wasn't fillable so for my surprise I does need to add: protected $fillable = array('created_at_from', 'created_at_to');
to my export model. That is not documented at: :/
manrox.drag17392 said:
Igor Jacaúna said:
Great! Thank you! It works!
can you share how you achieved it
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