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Allart Softworks
Allart Softworks

I have a problem updating an attachOne relation of a model from a frontend form.

I have a "Customer" model and relative controller with a field in the backend form where I, as admin, can edit its company logo.

I also have built (with Foundation) a frontend form that the logged in customer can edit, changing his logo accordingly.

I setup a placeholder in my /themes/mytheme/dist/assets/img/placeholder.png and I use it when the user hasn't uploaded his file yet.

I can then upload a pic and change the logo correctly and I set the $model->company_logo with no issues.

The problem is when the user resets the form and submits a null field value: I'm not able to empty the $model->company_logo relation.

I tried with unset(), passing null values, empty strings and so on but with no luck.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance.

Last updated

Allart Softworks
Allart Softworks

Solved, I feel so newbie.

I just put this in my frontend form page php section:

function onSave() {
    // ... 
    $uploadedLogo = \Input::file('company_logo');

    if (empty($uploadedLogo)) {
    } else {
        $customer->company_logo = $uploadedLogo;
    // ...

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