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I'm trying to make a dynamically formed downloadable text documents. In order to do that created an empty layout ascii.htm:

{% page %}

and I formate ascii text in the download.htm page. But in order to make it downloadable with a pop-up save window I need to change the http headers in the response into content-type: text/csv. How can I do that?

Last updated


For now I made it the following way: I created a custom view ascii.htm in plugins/me/my_plugin/views/. I added the path to it in the app/config/view.php. And returned the content in the onRun() method of my component class like that:

return Response::make(View::make('ascii', array('data', $data)))->header('Content-type', 'text/csv');

It works but the template ascii.htm is not editable through the backend. Does anyone have a prettier solution?

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