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I have an issue working on a website on October CMS backend. In fact I can't edit any file from the backend, I almost always have an error message saying : 500 internal error

Here is the error message :

No more info.

I can edit file via ftp, but it's not my goal since I work with October.

Thanks in advance, Florian


When saving to a CMS or Pages page, throws a 500 Internal Server Error happens, especially copied code or text pasted into your work window. In most cases as such, it deals with your provider’s security file scans. A good example is cloud Linux with Imunify360 will not allow you to edit a page copied from a code-editor, and paste it into your work page.
My work-around was to paste this code in the .htaccess above RewriteEngine On;

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    <IfModule mod_security2.c>
    SecRuleEngine Off

This allows you to save your pages work, but still allows your files to be scaned.

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