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Not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve here.
I THINK what you would want to do is make a component that contains the form, and include the component in the page. Is the form data getting saved to the database?
DMeganoski, thanks for reply. Yes, i make plugin with Builder, its work properly - I can fill in a form in backend without problems, and it is stored in the database.
All I need - to know how to display a plugin form on the page.
The frontend and backend of October are almost two separate systems. The frontend is handled mostly by the cms module, and the backend is handled mostly by the system module.
There is no easy way to 'port' your form from backend to frontend, as the backend is built mostly relying on .yaml configuration files with some php, and the frontend is built with html and twig and php.
What you would want to do is create a component for your form, and then it can be easily placed on any page you like.
Here is the documentation for components:
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