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Hi together, I'm working hard on my plugin with the Builder Plugin and I can't find a solution within the docs for the following problem:

I have two tables one with restaurants and one with orders. Both have their own controller and their own columns and fields. I'm able to create restaurants and I'm able to create orders. I also set the relation, so that it's possible to select the restaurant within a order.

Now i would like to implement the restaurant into the order-list. There are fields in the Builder GUI for SELECT and RELATION but I don't know how to use them correctly. Did anyone do something like this in the past?

Thanks in advance!


Okay I got it :)

For the ones who are interested in this topic: just use the name of the column field ih related table in the SELECT column and in the RELATION field just type in the $belongsTo "Array-Name"(i don't know the correct term sorry).... It works like a charm for me now.

Pat Och
Pat Och

thanks Boris

a new problem comes with this: if you want the related field sortable, the list crashed :-(

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