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Can I show a list of my dropdown list options defined in backend model? In my form I have a dropdown with certain keys, so is it possible to display list of them with the "builder" component in page?
you can absolutely make a dropdown. Though I am not sure how you would go about this with builder.
If you wanted to do this manually, you would create a field on your model's 'create.yaml' or 'fields.yaml' and give it the type : 'dropdown'.
fields: { }
label: 'City'
type: text
label: 'Country'
type: dropdown
You would then have to add a method to your model to return the options. It is named as such
get{field_name}Options() {}
So following the above example
public function getCountryOptions() {
return array('1' => 'USA', 2 => 'Canada');
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