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The wrong colours are being shown in the quantity badges on the items list. The following needs to be changed.

File: /shop/partials/_quantity_column.htm


        echo "class='btn btn-default btn-xs oc-icon-check' style='background-color: #00AE69; color: #fff'";
    elseif ($record->quantity <= 0) {
        echo "class='btn btn-default btn-xs oc-icon-ban' style='background-color: #FF5C5F; color: #fff'";
    elseif ($record->quantity < 5) {
        echo "class='btn btn-default btn-xs oc-icon-arrow-circle-down' style='background-color: #FFA74D; color: #fff'";
    else {
        echo "class='btn btn-default btn-xs oc-icon-check' style='background-color: #00AE69; color: #fff'";
    <b><?= $record->quantity ?? '&infin;' ?></b>

Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately I cannot continue the project at the moment. I changed the plugin from Paid to free for the same reason, I am already working on a bigger project and my time is limited and I don't receive any monetary compensation by EasyShop. The project is open so that they can extend it and add those extra functionalities to it.

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