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I am an absolute October beginner. After installation of my October demo website it seems to have lost all it's layout references. Only plain html is shown, like in the 'old days' . Sample:

How can I fix this?

I'm running Archlinux on a VPS with Lighttpd


It seems that the url to your combined css file is invalid. My personal guess: october doesn't have the permission to write the combined css file. Did you chmod your directories as instructed in the documentation?


Thanks for your reply. Yes I chmodded all files and directories to 0777. In addition I chowned all files and directories to lighttpd user (in my case www-data).


Ah, I just noticed that it is installed in a sub-directory. If you notice, when you click any of the links (or enter /backend in the url) you get a 404 not found.

This has something to do with the .htaccess file and the rewrite rule. (you're really only accessing a single index.php which handles all the urls) I'm not very familiar with lighttpd, but if you were running apache I would say to make sure mod_rewrite is enabled, and you may need to update your .htaccess file to include your sub-directory.


Lighttpd has a mod_rewrite rule in fact. I still did not figure out why the layout 'block' resulted from, but I am very happy with your solution! So thanks!! If I figure out what is causing the layout block, I'll post it here.

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