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Hey guys!
I was using OctoberCMS in many projects before and now I am facing a problem that I can't solve by myself.
I am using MagicForms to create different forms on my website. When I try to submit a form where any of the fields contains a mail-address I get an jquery Error at the line where the AJAX request should be sent.
The response is "503-Service unavailable". The request is URL-encoded (by Magic Forms I guess?). I added {% framework extras %} and {% scripts %} to my layout.
I figured out, that I can add an '@' character and it won't break the form. Only when I have something like "" in one of my fields it will break the form. No matter if it is in an input or textarea.
Can anybody help me with this issue? Is this related to MagicForms or the onFormSubmit event from OctoberCMS?
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