  • Fixes pagefinder form widget change trigger event
  • Fixes loading component snippets from app provider
  • Fixes compatibility in Vivaldi browser
  • Fixes exporting nested items in tailor

Jul 26, 2024

  • Fixes missing 403 response code with ForbiddenException used in APIs
  • Fixes bug including component partials without extension
  • Fixes missing dispose control event in form JavaScript
  • Fixes intended redirects when refresh is requested
  • Fixes optionsMethod usage in taglist form widget
  • Fixes icon-external-link icon definition

Jun 26, 2024

  • Fixes duplicated repeater item not placed under cloned item in builder mode
  • Fixes migration path version reset when version has been deleted
  • Fixes plugin:test not loading environment from phpunit.xml file
  • Fixes loading state on adding new repeater items
  • Fixes missing user footprints on tailor entries

Jun 11, 2024

  • Adds block placeholders to form designs
  • Fixes redirect loop on unmatched locale detection
  • Fixes parent theme logic in resources component
  • Fixes missing multisite check on preview form
  • Fixes replication logic for syntax models
  • Fixes sticky app url in site change

May 30, 2024

  • Fixes core date modifications in Tailor blueprints
  • Fixes composer PSR compliance warning
  • Fixes Twig v3.10 compatibility

May 23, 2024

  • Adds softDeletes: false to blueprints
  • Fixes support for pivot models with incrementing keys
  • Fixes setting scope to false on core tailor fields
  • Fixes previewing tailor entry in iOS and Android
  • Fixes audio and video embedding in rich editor
  • Fixes multisite sync model for Tailor globals
  • Fixes multisite group propagation

May 21, 2024

  • Performance improvements
  • Adds compile docs util command for multi-page documentation on the marketplace
  • Fixes language detection with grouped sites sharing the same hostname
  • Fixes custom parameter replacement on Tailor preview
  • Fixes oc.flashMsg interface for older versions

May 04, 2024

  • Fixes compatibility with PHP 8.3 and Twig v3.9
  • Fixes data-attach-loading triggering non-submit elements
  • Fixes link popup in rich editor used with full screen mode
  • Fixes bug showing all sites in site picker using groups
  • Fixes underscores in auto renamed media files
  • Fixes setting attachment relations to null
  • Fixes encoding bug in breadcrumb UI

Apr 17, 2024

  • Fixes using nesteditems or relation controller inside a repeater with a related model
  • Fixes partial components injecting aliased handlers and partials
  • Fixes deep hashing with asset combiner using vanilla CSS files
  • Fixes blueprint pagefinder replacements on link generation
  • Fixes sorting controls on media manager

Apr 10, 2024

  • Fixes async: true AJAX framework interface without promise cancellation
  • Fixes availability of oc.pageReady and oc.waitFor JavaScript functions
  • Fixes access to exclude attributes via config in multisite trait
  • Fixes overflow text selection in rich editor on touch devices
  • Fixes propagation of records saved via relation controller

Apr 02, 2024

  • Adds sidebarSize to sidebar form layout
  • Fixes JavaScript error when moving a repeater item
  • Fixes success event triggering with AJAX downloads
  • Fixes icon alignment in scoreboard control
  • Fixes bug in dual hotkey buttons

Mar 25, 2024

  • Fixes tailor groups ignoring model extensions with mixins using identical names
  • Fixes saving duplicate data on accidental double click in popups
  • Fixes bug in relation controller with nested has many relations
  • Fixes bug in non-translatable belongs to many relations
  • Fixes bug in multisite interpreting true as sync

Mar 15, 2024

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