October CMS v3.5 with Improved Multisite

Posted in Announcements on Sep 22, 2023

We're back with some exciting news - October CMS version 3.5 is now live! We've been busy behind the scenes, enhancing your favorite web development platform. Here's a rundown of the new features that are included.

Multisite Groups

We have taken multisite capabilities to a whole new level with site groups. This release brings full support for multiple websites under a single language, a single website in multiple languages, and yes, even multiple websites with multiple languages. It's all about giving you more flexibility and making your web management truly global.

Navigation Improvements

Organizing larger menus in your admin panel is now easier than ever! We have introduced sections, dividers, and primary buttons to help you better structure and access the functionalities you need, without any custom design work.

Stackable Popups

We have refined the popup experience with an improved animation that ensures a seamless user experience when opening multiple popups, adding a slick and professional touch to your workflow. From version 3.5, when a second popup is opened, the first one will dim and slide out of the way, and this can continue for multiple popups.

Resizer Filenames

By popular demand, the resize Twig filter now allows you to specify a custom filename when creating a thumbnail, an essential tool to boost your SEO efforts. You can now specify a custom filename or inherit the original filename used when it was uploaded.

File-based Editor Settings

Your content editor settings just got more portable. Now, source your default settings straight from the config directory, making it a breeze to carry your preferred settings across different projects. This includes custom stylesheets, custom buttons and settings specific to the rich editor form widget.

Multisite Mail Settings

We've revamped the mailer engine to support multisite and now it adapts to the active site, offering complete support for queued mail and facilitating custom communication methods for your website. This is an optional feature so be sure to review the 3.5 release note for details on how to enable it.

Other Improvements

This release is packed with Quality of Life improvements that we believe will significantly elevate your October CMS experience. Be sure to read the Release Notes to learn more about all the new features and improvements in October CMS 3.5.

We hope you enjoy these enhancements as much as we enjoyed creating them. Stay tuned for our next major release - we have a feeling you're going to love what's coming next!

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