Product support

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Vega Pro is a clean, one page business theme. It can be used as personal blog or a small business website and also as single page website. It has a custom template to showcase special timeless elements/information.

  • three pre-built color schemes that can be switched
  • fully responsive, build on Bootstrap
  • Font Awesome and Glyph Icons included

This theme is the same as Vega theme, but it has some extra features:

Extra features

All features are implemented and ready to work without any other configuration.

  • social networks management - for header and footer
  • translations - all theme texts are translatable
  • predefined translations - for English, Czech and Polish language
  • locale switcher - with 21 pre-prepared flags
  • RainLab.Blog integration - posts, post categories, post detail
  • RainLab.StaticPage integration - you can create static pages
  • WYSIWYG editor for Blog posts
  • contact form integration with validation and saving to backend
  • full-text search at sidebar - search inside pages, blog posts
  • footer content management and translations (four columns included)
  • maintenance page and Google Tag manager code prepared



At first go to the Backend > Settings > Translate > Manage languages and fill your desired languages.

Then go to Settings > Translate > Translate Messages and click to Scan for messages and then Clear cache. Default translations will be loaded from the theme and prepared for translation.


  • theme variables: Backend > Settings > CMS > Front-end theme > Customize
  • locales: Backend > Settings > Translate > Manage languages
  • translations: Settings > Translate > Translate Messages
  • contact form: Backend > Settings > Misc > Simple Contact
  • contact form fields: Backend > CMS > Partials > Sections > contact.htm, click on Simple Contact
  • full-text search: Backend > Settings > CMS > SiteSearch
  • wysiwyg editor: Backend > Settings > CMS > Wysiwyg Editors (enable it for Blog posts)


Theme is shipped with this templates:

  • homepage
  • normal page
  • page with title
  • page with sidebar
  • page with title and sidebar
  • blog listing with full posts
  • blog listing with small image and excerpt
  • blog listing only with excerpt
  • blog detail with full width
  • blog detail with sidebar

Add Polish translation. Fix blog samples layout code.

May 01, 2017


Prepare maintenance page.

Feb 27, 2017


Prepare partial for Google Analytics (Google Tag Manager)

Feb 06, 2017


First version of Vega Pro theme

Jan 05, 2017