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Handy tip, if you want to redirect an old sites URLs so they no longer have htm or html suffixes on them.
Example layout content:
description = "Default layout"
function onStart()
// Remove '.html' from addresses
$url = Request::url();
if (ends_with($url, ['.html', '.htm'])) {
$url = str_replace(['.html', '.htm'], '', $url);
return Redirect::to($url, 301);
<!DOCTYPE html>
Redirection is working perfectly but i am no able to get the variable
Its giving error
Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::$tvepisodes
use Akhil\Vh1\Models\TvShow;
function onStart() {
$show_id = $this->Param('show_id');
$season_id = $this->Param('season_id');
$episode_id = $this->Param('episode_id');
$this['show_id'] = $show_id;
$this['season_id'] = $season_id;
$this['episode_id'] = $episode_id;
$this['posts'] = TvShow::isPublished()->where('alias', '=', $show_id)
->with(array('tvseasons' => function($s){
$s->isPublished()->where('alias', '=', $this->season_id)
->with(array('tvepisodes' => function($e){
$e->isPublished()->where('alias', '=', $this->episode_id)
->with(array('tvvideos' => function($f){
$f->where('published', '=', 1)
->where('is_deleted', '=', 0)
->orderBy('id', 'asc')
//echo '<pre>';print_r($posts->tvseasons->tvepisodes);
$this['posts'] = $this->posts->tvseasons->tvepisodes->tvvideos->alias;
//$url = Request::url();
//return Redirect::to($url.'/hello', 302);
Last updated
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