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Can't implement direct upload method of s3 on OctoberCMS.

Сonditions: the octoberCMS project is located on heroku server wich got upload file size limit == 4Mb Goal: to be able upload files bigger then 4Mb Methods: direct upload s3 feature wich is implemented like this


  • need to be able to save files directly to s3 without creating temporary copy on the project's filesystem
  • after that need to create System\Models\File object using file url wich we got after performing first step

Code of my method trying to implement this. Thanks for help!

public function onUploadAvatar()
    $data = \Request::all();

    try {
        $imageName = 'uploads/' . $data['file']->getClientOriginalName();
        $image_url = \Storage::disk('s3')->put($imageName, file_get_contents($data['file']));

        $user = UserModel::find(post('user_id'));
        if (!$user)
            throw new Exception('No user found with id ' . post('user_id'));

        File::where('attachment_id', $user->id)
            ->where('attachment_type', 'RainLab\User\Models\User')
            ->where('field', 'avatar')

        $file = new File;
        //$file->data = $data['avatar'];
        $file->attachment_id = $user->id;
        $file->attachment_type = 'RainLab\User\Models\User';
        $file->field = 'avatar';

        $preview_path = $file->getThumb(77, 77, ['mode' => 'crop']);

        return response()->json([
            'result' => 1,
            'data' => ['file_id' => $file->id, 'preview_path' => (string)$preview_path],
        ], 200);
    catch (Exception $ex) {
        return response()->json(['result' => 0, 'error' => $ex->getMessage()], 400);

Last updated


I'm pretty sure that you'd have to change the JS of the fileupload formwidget itself in order to upload directly to S3, any server side processing of the uploaded files would involve running into the max_upload_filesize limit

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