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Viola Theme

One Page October Theme for Medical Professionals. A productive example of this theme can be found here.


  • One Page Design
  • Different selectable color schemes
  • Beautiful homemade Icons
  • Based on Bootstrap 4
  • Use scss files directly
  • Bootstrap variables using the theme settings
  • Pages almost full customizable using the Static Pages Plugin
  • Customizable slideshows using a Slideshow Plugin
  • Builtin Contact Form
  • Free Pictures from Pixabay


  • Install this Theme in the same way you would install any other october theme.
  • Create two Slideshows in the backends Slideshow section.
  • Select one of the Slideshow for each Slidehsow Components in partials/services.htm and partials/top_header.htm in the backends CMS section.
  • Setup your email address in the theme settings (this mail is used to send you contact form notifications).
  • Create a new mail template with the code viola::contact-notification for the email you get if a visitors use your contact form, the available template variables are:
    • name - Content of the name field the questioner did
    • email - Content of the email field the questioner did
    • regard - Content of the regard field the questioner did
    • sendermessage - Content of the message field the questioner did

An mail template could look like

New request:

Name: {{name}}
Sender: {{email}}
Subject: {{regard}}

Message: {{sendermessage}}


Develop and contribute

In order to change core stuff of the Theme you need to install the dependencies with bower and npm:

bower install --force

(You need to --force the bower install to overwrite the vendor files enclosed in this repository.)

npm install

If you change the theme setting files like utilities/custom.yaml you can generate a new theme.yaml with

npm run theme_settings
  • Found the theme useful on 27 Nov, 2020


  • Found the theme useful on 10 Dec, 2019

    I strugged with it, because it didn't run out of the box on my server. Than I found, that index.htm in static pages was "minified" ;-))

    It is a theme, with nothing left to ask for...

  • Found the theme useful on 1 Mar, 2017

    Very nice, well written theme. It is running with the native Bootstrap 4 SCSS files and you can set Bootstrap variables directly in the theme settings !

    What do you want more ?!


Fix theme setting variables conversation in scss

Feb 28, 2017


Example Slideshow bug fixed

Feb 27, 2017


Upgrade Bootstrap to v4.0.0-alpha.6

Feb 21, 2017


Fix multiple contact form request bug

May 26, 2016



May 26, 2016


First Version

May 24, 2016