Product support

Get help in the theme support forum.

  • Added on Nov 20, 2015
  • Current version: 1.0.0
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


A boilerplate theme for OctoberCMS based around Foundation 6(v6.0.0) accompanied by jQuery, SCSS and Gulp to get you on your way.

Blank Foundation 6 - October CMS Theme

A boilerplate theme for OctoberCMS based around Foundation 6(v6.0.0) accompanied by jQuery, SCSS and Gulp to get you on your way.


Just add the theme to your October project or use one of the methods described below.

$ php artisan theme:install dannyweeks.blank-foundation-6 <theme-dir>

Replace <theme-dir> with whatever fits the site you're building.

Activating the theme

$ php artisan theme:use <name>

Where <name> is whatever you specified in theme:install.

Compiling the SCSS

The theme comes with the basic pre-compiled Foundation CSS but you can customize as just like you would with a normal Foundation project.

Navigate to <theme-dir>/assets and run npm install to install the required node modules for building with Gulp.

Head back to the theme's root and run gulp to start watching for changes.


First version of Blank-Foundation-6.

Nov 20, 2015