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Invoices page

The invoices page is used to list all the invoices owned by the logged in user. It displays a table with each invoice and provides a link to the invoice page.

title = "My Invoices"
url = "/account/invoices"

{% component 'invoices' %}

Invoice page

The invoice page is used to display a single invoice. It displays a table containing a breakdown of the invoice items, along with a total and any tax applied. If the invoice is unpaid, it will link to the payment page.

title = "Viewing Invoice"
meta_title = "Viewing Invoice %s"
url = "/account/invoice/:id"

isPrimary = "1"
{% component 'invoice' %}

Payment page

The payment page is used for submitting payment against an invoice. Like the invoice, it will display a payment summary, but it also provides a list of payment gateways that can be used for paying.

title = "Payment"
url = "/payment/:hash"

{% component 'payment' %}
  • Found the plugin useful on 14 May, 2019

    Great plugin! Was helpful in many projects

  • Found the plugin not useful on 20 Apr, 2019

    Seems to not be maintained anymore :/ Shame cause it would be a good base plugin for all plugins handling payments. Would love to see that plugin handled and maintained by RainLab to provide to all developpers a unified way to add payment gateway to their solutions

  • Found the plugin useful on 18 Dec, 2018

    Offers a nice foundation for invoicing and payments.

    It needs a little TLC but there is a lot of potential for this plugin as a basis that can be extended by other plugins in many interesting ways.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 19 Feb, 2017

    For some reason it won't install

  • Found the plugin useful on 26 Jul, 2016

    Best and simple Invoicing System. It will be nice if you can incarporate few features from InvoicePlane. Also need little documentation about creating custom Payment method.


Adding a cache clearing method to the tax model

Mar 28, 2024


Add currency to invoices table

Mar 28, 2024


Add VAT ID to invoices, translate models and add Polish translation

Mar 28, 2024


Discount field now displays the proper (%) figure but stores as a decimal

Mar 28, 2024


Minor fix in discount calculation

Dec 07, 2019


Fix issue with countries in Tax class

Dec 07, 2019


Added a throwaway flag to invoices.

Jan 23, 2018


!!! Add support for payment profiles.

Jan 23, 2018


Invoice items now support related objects.

Oct 12, 2016


Fixes bug in Skrill payment method when saving.

Oct 12, 2016


Payment settings can now push the invoice number forward.

Aug 23, 2016


First version of Pay

Jul 02, 2016

Upgrading To 1.1

There are some housekeeping items that have been addressed in this version.

The payment gateway partials folder has been renamed from pay to pay-gateway.

The InvoiceStatus::getByCode method has been renamed to InvoiceStatus::findByCode.

These methods have been removed from the InvoiceStatus model:

  • getStatusDraft
  • getStatusApproved
  • getStatusPaid
  • getStatusVoid

Use the findByCode method instead, eg:

Updates to Offline, Skrill and Paypal Standard gateway partials

The getFormAction, getHiddenFields and getPaymentInstructions methods no longer take the host as the first name as this argument is redundant. Perform these replacements in your theme:

// Replace

// With

// Replace
paymentMethod.getHiddenFields(paymentMethod, invoice)

// With

// Replace
paymentMethod.getPaymentInstructions(paymentMethod, invoice)

// With