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Adds the d() function to Twig to recursively dump provided variables in the same manner as Laravel's dd() function. Unlike Twig's native dump() function, d() displays all nested members of the provided variables.

Twig d() Collection demo


Please use GitHub Issues to report any issues with this plugin.

Reviews should not be used for getting support or reporting bugs, if you need support please use the Plugin support link.


Dumping a single variable

{{ d(myCollection) }}

Twig d() Collection demo

Dumping multiple variables

{{ d(var1, var2) }}

dump mulitvars

  • Found the plugin not useful on 29 Apr, 2021

    forget it, don't work with new october base on laravel 6. A PR was submitted 6 month ago on github but not commited. Seems unmaintained now :/

  • author

    Replied on 11 Jun, 2021

    The latest version (1.0.1) adds support for Laravel 6, thanks for your patience.

  • Found the plugin useful on 12 Aug, 2017

    Very nice plugin! Thanks!

  • Found the plugin useful on 20 Jun, 2017

    Thanks! Simply effective!

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Jun, 2017

    Nice plugin! Really useful! Thanks!

  • Found the plugin useful on 15 Jun, 2017

    Simple but so useful! I've been waiting for this one!


Add support of Laravel 6

Jun 11, 2021


First version of Dump

May 31, 2017