
Public Methods

public formHasOutsideFields()

public formHasOutsideFields(): bool 

formHasOutsideFields is a view helper to check if a form tab has fields in the non-tabbed section (outside fields).

<?php if ($this->formHasOutsideFields()): ?>
    <!-- Do something -->
<?php endif ?>

public formHasPrimaryTabs()

public formHasPrimaryTabs(): bool 

formHasPrimaryTabs is a view helper to check if a form tab has fields in the primary tab section.

<?php if ($this->formHasPrimaryTabs()): ?>
    <!-- Do something -->
<?php endif ?>

public formHasSecondaryTabs()

public formHasSecondaryTabs(): bool 

formHasSecondaryTabs is a view helper to check if a form tab has fields in the secondary tab section.

<?php if ($this->formHasSecondaryTabs()): ?>
    <!-- Do something -->
<?php endif ?>

public formRefreshFields()

public formRefreshFields(array|string $names): array 

formRefreshField is a view helper to render a field from AJAX based on their field names.

public formRenderField()

public formRenderField(string $name, array $options = []): string 

formRenderField is a view helper to render a single form field.

<?= $this->formRenderField('field_name') ?>

public formRenderOutsideFields()

public formRenderOutsideFields(): string 

formRenderOutsideFields is a view helper to render the form fields belonging to the non-tabbed section (outside form fields).

<?= $this->formRenderOutsideFields() ?>

public formRenderPreview()

public formRenderPreview(): string 

formRenderPreview is a view helper to render the form in preview mode.

<?= $this->formRenderPreview() ?>

public formRenderPrimaryTab()

public formRenderPrimaryTab($tabName, $options = []): void

formRenderPrimaryTab renders the contents of a primary tab

public formRenderPrimaryTabs()

public formRenderPrimaryTabs(): string 

formRenderPrimaryTabs is a view helper to render the form fields belonging to the primary tabs section.

<?= $this->formRenderPrimaryTabs() ?>

public formRenderSecondaryTab()

public formRenderSecondaryTab($tabName, $options = []): void

formRenderSecondaryTab renders the contents of a secondary tab

public formRenderSecondaryTabs()

public formRenderSecondaryTabs(): string 

formRenderSecondaryTabs is a view helper to render the form fields belonging to the secondary tabs section.

<?= $this->formRenderPrimaryTabs() ?>