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Simple and elegant blog theme for October CMS. This is based on the theme for Ghost blog under the same name modified and ported to October. It integrates well with the blog plugin and it's stylesheets are suited to be highly compatible with the RainLab.Blog plugin.

How it was designed to work

You may modify and customized this theme to suit your personal preferences but the theme was designed to work in one way--to use categories to split the blog into 4 sections. A newbie user may follow these steps to set up the theme the way I originally intended it to work:

The 4 sections :

Home Page Project Page
Featured Posts Themes
Regular Posts Plugins

Steps to set it up

  • Install the RainLab.Blog plugin to your October install. Add the following categories to it's categories sub section: featured, regular, plugins, themes.
  • Add 2 sets of Post List components; one set to the Home page and another set to the projects page. I have left comments on those pages where the components go. Replace the commit with the component by dragging it to that line.
  • Select the component properties for each of these Post list components and set Category Filter to the respective section names. This is given inside the comment placeholders in lowercase letters.
  • Now goto the Blog Post page and insert the Post component of the Blog Plugin. Optionally, you may want to add comments to the blog posts. The plugin is compatible with the RadiantWeb.Disqus plugin which is a pretty good plugin for comments. Add that right after the Post component and it will appear in your blog.

Presto! Your OctoberCMS powered blog is ready. Enjoy!! And look out for updates..!!

Readium Blog Theme by Sven Read converted for OctoberCMS.

Theme Configuration

  • Blog name - This is what will appear in the blog title.
  • Author name - This is the name used to sign blog posts with.
  • Use Blog Logo - Uses a custom logo defined in {{assets}}/images/logo.png
  • Use Blog Cover - Uses the cover defined in {{assets}}/images/cover.jpg
  • Use Profile Picture as blog logo - Overrides the blog logo with the backend administrator photo. This way updating the backend logo reflects back in the blog.
  • Found the theme useful on 25 Jun, 2015

    Great, simple theme! I'm actually using it to migrate a blog from Ghost, so the similar theme is nice. Also, the simplicity makes it nice as a learning tool for October. Thanks!

  • Found the theme useful on 1 Apr, 2015

    Great theme using it to study October and general frontEnd development. Easy to use, easy to learn

  • Found the theme useful on 26 Feb, 2015

    It's really nice theme for personal blogging. It's clean and only for reading.


Initial Theme

Feb 25, 2015