Watch and Learn video series

Tutorial 18

An in depth look at building websites with October CMS created by the talented presenter Ivan Dorić.

Watch and Learn create video tutorials for modern frontend development. They have teamed up with October CMS to create an end-to-end series on developing fully functional websites. The presenter Ivan Dorić has a good understanding of October and Laravel in general, he follows a great pace for beginners. We highly recommend watching this series and here are some relevant links to follow on social media:

Making websites with OctoberCMS Series

This series follows step by step in creating a functional website using October CMS. You'll learn about themes, plugins, components and more.

Part 01 - Installing October CMS

In the first episode you'll be installing October CMS locally on your development machine.

Part 02 - Basic Concepts

Cover some of the basic concepts you should know when using October.

Part 03 - Creating Themes

Themes are the foundation of the front-end and define the entire structure of your website.

Part 04 - Setting Up Laravel Elixir

Optionally, you can install Laravel's build tool called Elixir, we also use Livereload to see changes instantly.

Part 05 - Builder Plugin Overview

Create your first plugin with the Builder plugin. This plugin will act as the custom content type for our website called Movies.

Part 06 - Basic Templating

Back to the theme to make the site look nicer and learn a few tricks along the way.

Part 07 - Displaying Lists and Details

Create a list and detail page for our custom content type Movies.

Part 08 - Slugs And Pagination

Linking pages together and including a pager for navigating page number.

Part 09 - Images And Galleries

Create your very own gallery images and display them on your website.

Part 10 - Relations

Cover the important topic of relationships between models.

Part 11 - Inverse Relations

Comparatively, setting up inverse relationships is equally important.

Part 12 - Repeater field

Use the repeater field for storing data that can be repeated.

Part 13 - Creating Custom Form Widgets

Form widgets let you create custom controls in your back-end area.

Part 14 - Saving Form Widget Data

After creating a form widget, the user input data can be saved to the database.

Part 15 - Creating New Data via Form Widget

Create a new model instance via our form widget.

Part 16 - Creating a Simple Component

October's secret sauce, let's create our first component!

Part 17 - Adding Options to Components

Now we'll add some options to the component to better control the output.

Part 18 - Creating Contact Form

Every website needs a contact form, here we create a form that sends an email using Google's SMTP service.

Part 19 - Form validation

Improve the contact form by adding validation to the input fields.

Part 20 - Frontend Forms

Populating the database with data captured from our front-end form.

Part 21 - Users

Set up user management with registration and sign in forms.

Part 22 - Ajax Form Validation

Returning to form validation, this time with a touch of the AJAX framework.

Part 23 - Extending User Plugin

Adding additional data fields to the user plugin.

Part 24 - Extending User Plugin - Frontend

Capturing user input and saving it to the new fields via the front-end.

Part 25 - NEW! Ajax Form Validation

An overview of the new AJAX form validation features added recently.

Part 26 - Uploading Images From Frontend

How to capture user uploads on the front-end and save them to the database.

Part 27 - Seeding With Faker

Seed the database with dummy data, useful for testing and sample records.

Part 28 - Implement Searching

Implement search on your site with the SiteSearch plugin.

Part 29 - PHP blocks

Use PHP blocks in your October CMS theme to create simple and complex queries and display them on your pages.

Part 30 - Seeding Routes

Seed your database using routes and without losing any data.

Part 31 - Success and Error Form Messages

How to create success and error messages for a contact form.

Part 32 - Groups and Permissions

Create groups for your administrators and limit access to certain areas of your back-end.

Part 33 - Static Pages and Menus

Static pages, and static menus feature that you get from the static pages plugin.

Part 34 - Back-end Lists Deep Dive

Taking a deeper look at backend lists.

Part 35 - Back-end List Filters

Create filters for your backend lists in October CMS.

Part 36 - Relation Manager

How to use Relation Manager used to provide better controls for managing complex model relationships on the backend of your site.

Part 37 - Laravel Mix and Webpack

How you can use Laravel Mix (wrapper around Webpack) to create your asset pipeline in October CMS.

Part 38 - Creating Sitemap.xml

How to generate sitemap.xml file for your October CMS website by hand.

Part 39 - Front-end Filters

Make a frontend filter for our movies using October CMS components system.

Part 40 - Semantic UI

Integrate Semantic UI css framework to our October CMS installation.

Part 41 - Ajax Frontend Filters

Use Octobers Ajax framework to filter our movies by genre and year.

Part 42 - Ajax Frontend Sorting

Use October CMSs Ajax framework to sort the items you are listing.

Part 43 - Ajax Pagination

Implementing Ajax pagination / pager in the front-end.

Part 44 - Update October CMS to Laravel 5.5 with Valet

How to update October CMS to Laravel 5.5 using the Laravel Valet development environment.

Part 45 - Ajax Image Upload

How to upload images from the October CMS frontend with Ajax and also show image previews.

Part 46 - Deploying to Shared Hosting

How to deploy OctoberCMS to a shared hosting using GitFTP.

Part 47 - Better Links And URLs

Make better and more complicated links and URLs in October CMS.

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