Product support

Get help in the plugin support forum.

  • Added on May 29, 2015
  • Current version: 1.0.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • License: Regular / Extended
  • Created by


OctoCommerce - Create and manage a professional online shop!

Create and manage a professional online shop with OctoCommerce . The customers can pay with diffrent payment methods like iDeal or Paypal. There are product variations, you can give each item a diffrent stock quantity or price. And more features in the future, so check it out.

With this plugin you can start your own clothing store, sell software or build your own affiliate website.

If you like OctoCommerce, please leave a review. Thank you!

Please be aware This is a beta version, so it's still under development. The current version doesn't support coupons, taxes and shipping methods.

Live demo (backend)

The live demo backend is available on request only. Please send me a message or make a topic in the support section.


  • Orders
  • Currency switcher
  • Invoices
  • Payment methods (iDeal for Dutch customers and Paypal)
  • Product reviews
  • Product types (Variations)

Coming soon

  • Shipping methods
  • Affiliate products
  • Coupons
  • Taxes
  • Gift vouchers
  • Credit Card payment method
  • Wishlist and compare products

More features?

If you want more functionality or some modifications, please make a topic in the support section and we will try to add or modify the plugin functions.

Mollie (Payment methods)

You need a test or live key to active the Mollie payment methods. Please register an account and follow the instructions for a key. Then add your live or test key on the settings page.

  • Enable your payment methods
  • Copy the webhook url
  • Add the webhook url to your website profile via Mollie

Currency filter

You can format a value with the currency filter. On the settings section you can change the currency position and currency.

{{ '33'|currency }} // Output:  $ 77

Displaying a list of products

Display a list of products with the products component. Add the component to your page and render it with the component tag:

{% component 'products' %}
  • Alias The component alias name
  • Type Choose between Featured or Newest product. Leave it empty when you want to display the product in a category.
  • Product Page The product page
  • Cart Page The cart page
  • Product slug Slug of the product page. Default: :slug
  • Category slug Slug of the category page. Default: :slug
  • Disable pagination Disable the pagination

Displaying a list of categories

Display a list of categories with the categories component. Add the component to your page and render it with the component tag:

{% component 'categories' %}
  • Alias The component alias name
  • Category Page The category page
  • Category slug Slug of the category page. Default: :slug

Display a product

Display a product with the product component. Add the component to your page and render it with the component tag:

{% component 'product' %}
  • Alias The component alias name
  • Product slug Slug of the product page. Default: :slug
  • Cart page The cart page. Default: :slug

Display the cart / basket

Display the cart / basket with the cart component. Add the component to your page and render it with the component tag:

{% component 'cart' %}
  • Alias The component alias name
  • Checkout page The checkout page. Default: :slug

Display a checkout form

Display a checkout form with the checkout component. Add the component to your page and render it with the component tag:

{% component 'checkout' %}
  • Alias The component alias name
  • Cart page The cart page. Default: :slug

Invoice template

Here is an example of an invoice template. You can customize the layout of the invoices.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<link href="{{ 'plugins/shahiemseymor/octocommerce/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css'|app }}" rel="stylesheet">

<div class="container">
<div class="table-responsive">
            <td width="400">
                {% if logo|length >= 1 %}
                <img src="../{{ logo.getPath() }}" /><br />
                {% endif %}
            <td class="text-right">
                Order #{{ order.order_id }}
</div><br />
<div class="table-responsive">
            <td width="400">
                    <strong>Billed to:</strong><br>
                    {{ order.bill_first_name }} {{ order.bill_last_name }}<br>
                    {{ order.bill_company }}<br>
                    {{ order.bill_address }}<br>
                    {{ order.bill_address2 }}<br>
                    {{ order.bill_city}}, {{ order.bill_zipcode }}<br>
                    {{ order.bill_email }}<br> 
                    {{ order.bill_phone }}<br>

                    <strong>Payment Method:</strong><br>
                    {{ order.payment }}<br>
            <td class="text-right">
                    <strong>Shipped to:</strong><br>
                    {{ order.ship_first_name }} {{ order.ship_last_name }}<br>
                    {{ order.ship_company }}<br>
                    {{ order.ship_address }}<br>
                    {{ order.ship_address2 }}<br>
                    {{ order.ship_city}}, {{ order.ship_zipcode }}<br>
                    {{ order.ship_email }}<br> 
                    {{ order.ship_phone }}<br>

                    <strong>Order Date:</strong><br>
                    {{ order.created_at|date("F jS \\a\\t g:ia") }}<br><br>
</div><br />

    <table class="table">
            <td class="text-center"><strong>Price</strong></td>
            <td class="text-center"><strong>Quantity</strong></td>
            <td class="text-right"><strong>Totals</strong></td>
        {% set sum = [] %}
        {% for item in order.items %}
        {% set sum = item.price * item.quantity %}
            <td>{{ item.name }}</td>
            <td class="text-center">{{ item.price|currency }}</td>
            <td class="text-center">{{ item.quantity }}</td>
            <td class="text-right">{{ (item.price * item.quantity)|currency }}</td>
        {% endfor %}
            <td class="no-line"></td>
            <td class="no-line"></td>
            <td class="no-line text-center">
            <td class="no-line text-right">{{ order.order_sub_total|currency }}</td>
            <td class="no-line"></td>
            <td class="no-line"></td>
            <td class="no-line text-center"><strong>Total</strong></td>
            <td class="no-line text-right">{{ order.order_total|currency }}</td>
Variable Output
{{ logo.getPath() }} Path of the logo.
{{ order }} Array of the order table. Example: order.id, order.name etc
  • Found the plugin not useful on 5 Oct, 2017

    I wasn't able to install the plugin, because it requires MySQL version 5.7. I have version 5.5. I don't believe version 5.7 and its support for json-fields is a necessity for this plugin. So the autor's choice for this MySQL version is strange IMHO, because there will be very many people who also won't be able to install this plugin.

    Eilas, the author hasn't responded to my request to lower the MySQL version required by the plugin. So I am stuck...

  • Found the plugin not useful on 30 Jul, 2016

    Не работает. Пришлось большую часть переписывать самому и в итоге купить другой плагин. Does not work. I had to rewrite much of himself and eventually buy another plugin.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 17 Feb, 2016

    Keeps saying Product not found?

    Have added a page called product with url /product/:slug and component Product with :slug and /cart as my cart page. Please help.

  • author

    Replied on 19 Feb, 2016

    Hi Servers,

    Thank you for your review. But this review system isn't for technical support. Please use the support section to report your issues with this plugin.


  • Found the plugin not useful on 14 Aug, 2015

    Why styles don't work correctly? All components looks without any style. Must I do something else more?

  • author

    Replied on 19 Feb, 2016

    Hi Firat,

    Thank you for your review. But this review system isn't for technical support. Please use the support section to report your issues with this plugin.



First version

May 26, 2015