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  • Added on Aug 17, 2018
  • Current version: 1.1.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x use latest
    v1.x use latest
  • Extensions: 1
  • Created by
  • Public repository


Backend Yandex Maps Widgets

Easily and quickly integrate a Yandex Maps field into your Backend Forms.

This plugin provides a Form Widget to integrate a Yandex Maps map to a Backend Form in a simple and fast way. Additionally, there is a component to display the map in the frontend of the website.


  • Integrate a Yandex Maps map into your Backend Forms.
  • Display the map in the frontend of the website.


To install this plugin you have to click on add to project or need to type rubium.yamapswidgets in Backend System > updates > intall plugin


To configure this Plugin goto Backend System then find MISC in left side bar, then click on Widget YaMaps , you will get Configuration options and use component YaMapsDemo to display map in frontend.


On the Backend Forms

Create a field type yamaps in the fields.yaml file of the model where you want to store the latitude and longitude of a Yandex Maps location.

    label: 'Yandex Maps'
    type: yamaps
        latitude: '55.75417429118003'
        longitude: '37.62009153512286'
    height: "380px"
    editable: false
    markers: locations #The name of the column in which the markers are stored
    label: Address
    type: yaddress
    target: User[location] #Field with type YaMaps. This field find with jQuery and target event 'change-cords'
On the Frontend
width = "100%"
height = "500px"
mapTypeId = "yandex#map"
zoom = 9
showMarker = 1
{% component 'YaMapDemo' %}

Add api key support

May 05, 2021


First version of Backend Yandex Maps

Aug 16, 2018