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  • Added on Mar 16, 2016
  • Current version: 1.0.1
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


Light Galllery

Create fully customizable and responsive photo gallery for your website with full screen preview, slideshows and much more.

Light Gallery supports touch and swipe navigation on touchscreen devices, as well as mouse drag for desktops. This allows users to navigate between slides by either swipe or mouse drag. You can double-click on the image to see its actual size. Zoom-in and zoom-out controls can be used for changing the zoom values of the image. Light Gallery supports native html full screen mode as well. It uses Hardware-Accelerated CSS3 transitions for faster animation performance.


  • Fully responsive & Lightweight
  • Supports all major browsers including IE 8 and above
  • Touch and support for mobile devices
  • Mouse drag supports for desktops
  • Double-click/Double-tap to see actual size of the image
  • Animated thumbnails
  • 20+ Hardware-Accelerated CSS3 transitions
  • Full screen support
  • Supports zoom
  • Browser history API
  • Responsive images
  • Multiple instances on one page
  • Easily customizable via CSS and Settings
  • Smart image preloading and code optimization
  • Keyboard Navigation for desktop
  • Font icon support
  • Image title and description.

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Fullscreen preview

Light Galllery

Create fully customizable and responsive photo gallery for your website with full screen preview, slideshows and much more.

How does this work

Light Gallery comes with a numerous number of options, which allow you to customize the plugin very easily. You can easily customize the look and feel of the gallery by playing with component options.

The plugin provides imageGallery component to build photo gallery with many customization options, through which you can create your own style galleries.

Here is the API Reference, you can use while setting up galleries.

Note: Put {% styles %} and {% scripts %} in your page header, if not there.


title = "Demonstration"
url = "/"
layout = "default"
is_hidden = 0

galleryId = 1
mainThumbHeight = 100
mainThumbWidth = 150
resizer = "crop"
mode = "lg-zoom-in-big"
speed = 600
height = "100%"
width = "100%"
startClass = "lg-start-zoom"
backdropDuration = 150
hideBarsDelay = 6000
closable = 1
loop = 1
escKey = 1
keyPress = 1
controls = 1
slideEndAnimation = 1
hideControlOnEnd = 0
mousewheel = 1
preload = 1
showAfterLoad = 1
download = 1
counter = 1
swipeThreshold = 50
enableDrag = 1
enableTouch = 1
thumbnail = 1
animateThumb = 1
currentPagerPosition = "middle"
thumbWidth = 100
thumbContHeight = 100
thumbMargin = 5
toogleThumb = 1
enableThumbDrag = 1
enableThumbSwipe = 1
thumbSwipeThreshold = 50
autoplay = 1
pause = 5000
progressBar = 1
forceAutoplay = 0
autoplayControls = 1
fullScreen = 1
pager = 0
zoom = 1
scale = 1
<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row">
        <!-- Make your own style div wrapper for gallery -->
        <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3 col-xs-12">
            {% component 'imageGallery' %}


Light Gallery

  • Found the plugin useful on 9 Aug, 2021

    One of the underrated plugins! Needs a bit of a workaround but it's worth it. Thanks a lot!

  • Found the plugin not useful on 9 Jul, 2019

    Can't get it to work at all

  • Found the plugin not useful on 29 Sep, 2017

    The level of knowledge required to get this plugin working is the same level needed to just use lightGallery yourself.

  • Found the plugin not useful on 30 Dec, 2016

    I didn't succeed first. The { script } placeholder had to be at the end of the layout, before the closing body tag. But then is very nice on CMS pages, lots of configuration possible (!) but there is not snippet for Static Pages, therefor unfortunately not usable for normal editors and for me at all :(

  • Found the plugin useful on 16 Nov, 2016

    Nice work!

    this is a very easy to use and fully featured gallery with many options. thank you for this. it took me only 5 min to get started.


First version of Light Gallery

Mar 16, 2016