Product support

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  • Added on May 17, 2014
  • Current version: 1.0.2
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by


The "Hashtag" plugin displays a feed of Instagram images from a chosen #hashtag.

  1. Go to Instagram Developer and register a new application (it takes just a minute).
  2. Copy the client id you're given and paste it in the settings of Hashtag.
  3. Mean while in settings you also need to set how long the images should be cached given in minutes. If you want to disable cache, enter 0.
  4. Now you only need to add the component to your page and render it with the component tag {% component 'hashFeed' %}


Instagram Hashtag uses only one component named Hashfeed it has 2 properties that you need to set. First one is count and it represents how many items (Instagram images) that should be displayed. By default it uses 12 and you cannot have a value higher than 20 because of the Instagram limits (This will however be possible in a future update coming soon ) The second property is the tag, the hashtag that you would like to use.

Modify the appearance

Hashtag has three CSS classes that you can use to modify the look of the feed. These are:

  • .hashfeed
  • .hashfeed-row
  • .hashfeed-item

Fixed bug that added a hashtag that breaks the API call.

Jul 14, 2015


Updated that the hash is optional in configuration.

Jan 17, 2015


First version

May 17, 2014