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This plugin isn't a OneSignal official plugin, but use their API.

Getting starting with Push Notification

This plugin use OneSignal API for push notification. OneSignal is a high volume and reliable push notification system for mobile and web applications. We support all major native and mobile platforms by providing dedicated SDKs for each platform, a RESTful server API, and an online dashboard to send push notifications.

Why should I use OneSignal instead of sending messages directly through GCM (from Google).

  • Implementing reliable interfaces to the GCM and APN protocols is difficult.
  • There are open source projects to do it, but even the best ones break when message quantity begins to exceed 500,000 at a time. - These protocols also change frequently, for instance, last week Apple released a new protocol and deprecated their old one.
  • OneSignal provides marketing tools including A/B testing, segment targeting, localization, drip marketing, and conversion tracking.
  • OneSignal provides a single UI and API to deliver messages across iOS, Android, Amazon Fire, Windows Phone, Chrome Apps, Safari, Chrome Web, Vivaldi, Opera, and Firefox.

How do I get started?

Goto OneSignal create an account and add a new app. OneSignal privide a fully-featured online dashboard

If you have any questions, or you can't find what you're looking for, check out OneSinal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)!


- 'Both Button and link in the same website'
- 'More parameters for button theme personnalisation'
- 'Send Notifications from Backend'

Add the plugin in your page at the top of the head section.

Copy https://yoursite.com/OneSignalSDKWorker.js, https://yoursite.com/OneSignalSDKUpdaterWorker.js in the top level root of your website (only for Https website).

Choose Link or Button (not both at the same time for a website)

Goto OneSignal.com for sign in and Add a new App.

Goto Web Push Introduction for set onesignal app parameters.

Adapt properties

push link

Property ........................................ Description ......................................................................................................................................................................
Choose your domain or subdomain Push notifications requires sites to be using HTTPS, non-HTTPS websites must use a subdomain of onesignal.com, choose a unique subdomain in OneSignal configuration API and fill this property with this name
OneSignal App Id Your can get your OneSignal Project Id from "onesignal.com"
OneSignal Safari Id Your can get your OneSignal Project Id from "onesignal.com"
Enable notification Required to use the notify button. If false, no notification displaying
Prenotify Notification Show an icon with 1 unread message for first-time site visitors
Persist Notification If false, the notification will disappear roughly after 20 seconds. If true, the notification will be displayed indefinitely until the user interacts with notification (dismisses it or clicks it)
Welcome Message Customise or Disable the automatic welcome notification
Show Credit Hide OneSignal credit if false

push button

Property ........................................ Description ......................................................................................................................................................................
Choose your domain or subdomain Push notifications requires sites to be using HTTPS, non-HTTPS websites must use a subdomain of onesignal.com, choose a unique subdomain in OneSignal configuration API and fill this property with this name
OneSignal App Id Your can get your OneSignal Project Id from "onesignal.com"
OneSignal Safari Id Your can get your OneSignal Project Id from "onesignal.com"
Enable notification Required to use the notify button. If false, no notification displaying
Icon size Size of the subscribe button ("Small", "Medium", or "Large")
Theme Choos the theme of your button ("red-white" or "white-red")
Position Button position in the page ("Bottom Left" or "Bottom Right")
Offset Bottom Distance between page bottom and button
Offset Left Distance between page => 'Left',(only applied if bottom-left),
Offset Right Distance between page right and button(only applied if bottom-right)
Prenotify Show an icon with 1 unread message for first-time site visitors
Show Credit Hide OneSignal credit if false
Welcome Message Customise or Disable the automatic welcome notification
Persist Notification If false, the notification will disappear roughly after 20 seconds. If true, the notification will be displayed indefinitely until the user interacts with notification (dismisses it or clicks it)

The plugin Push Link or Button on your page


For Link Notification Add this in your page

<section id="onesignal-link">
    <a href="#" id="subscribe-link">Subscribe</a>
    <a href="#" id="unsubscribe-link">Unsubscribe</a>
    {% component 'pushLink' %}

Adapt properties

push link

Property ........................................ Description ......................................................................................................................................................................
Choose your domain or subdomain Push notifications requires sites to be using HTTPS, non-HTTPS websites must use a subdomain of onesignal.com, choose a unique subdomain in OneSignal configuration API and fill this property with this name
OneSignal App Id Your can get your OneSignal Project Id from "onesignal.com"
OneSignal Safari Id Your can get your OneSignal Safari Id from "onesignal.com"
Enable notification Required to use the notify button. If false, no notification displaying
Prenotify Notification Show an icon with 1 unread message for first-time site visitors
Persist Notification If false, the notification will disappear roughly after 20 seconds. If true, the notification will be displayed indefinitely until the user interacts with notification (dismisses it or clicks it)
Welcome Message Customise or Disable the automatic welcome notification
Show Credit Hide OneSignal credit if false

push button

Property ........................................ Description ......................................................................................................................................................................
Choose your domain or subdomain Push notifications requires sites to be using HTTPS, non-HTTPS websites must use a subdomain of onesignal.com, choose a unique subdomain in OneSignal configuration API and fill this property with this name
OneSignal App Id Your can get your OneSignal Project Id from "onesignal.com"
OneSignal Safari Id Your can get your OneSignal Safari Id from "onesignal.com"
Enable notification Required to use the notify button. If false, no notification displaying
Icon size Size of the subscribe button ("Small", "Medium", or "Large")
Theme Choose the theme of your button ("red-white" or "white-red")
Position Button position in the page ("Bottom Left" or "Bottom Right")
Offset Bottom Distance between page bottom and button
Offset Left Distance between page => 'Left',(only applied if bottom-left),
Offset Right Distance between page right and button(only applied if bottom-right)
Prenotify Show an icon with 1 unread message for first-time site visitors
Show Credit Hide OneSignal credit if false
Welcome Message Customize or Disable the automatic welcome notification
Persist Notification If false, the notification will disappear roughly after 20 seconds. If true, the notification will be displayed indefinitely until the user interacts with notification (dismisses it or clicks it)

The plugin Push Link or Button on your page

push page

For Link Notification Add this in your page

<section id="onesignal-link">
    <a href="#" id="subscribe-link">Subscribe</a>
    <a href="#" id="unsubscribe-link">Unsubscribe</a>
    {% component 'pushLink' %}

Onesignal V3

Feb 15, 2017


Initialize plugin.

Apr 26, 2016

1.0.1 Initial plugin

1.0.2 HTTPS, Safari, OneSignal V3

     Add the plugin in your page at the top of the head section.

     # Only for Https website:
          - Change Domain name.
          - Copy: in the top level root of your website (found on onesignal.com)
                      - https://yoursite.com/OneSignalSDKWorker.js, 
                      - https://yoursite.com/OneSignalSDKUpdaterWorker.js.