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  • Added on Dec 2, 2014
  • Current version: 1.0.3
  • Platform Compatibility
    v3.x not tested
    v2.x not tested
    v1.x use latest
  • Created by
  • Public repository


This plugin adds a 'Loading' integration features to OctoberCMS.

Available options

  • Speed: Time taken for loading logo once the page load disappear
  • Background: Color Background


The component must go after the scripts ({% scripts %}) of the page. I recommend putting it at the end.

Sometimes we want the logo loading while the user waits for the page to finish loading appears. This is what makes this miniplugin, save a few lines of code.

Quick start guide

  1. Go to the 'System' tab in October, and install the plugin using the CGGStudio.Loading code.
  2. After installation has finished a new component will appear in under Octobers 'CMS > Components' tab. You have the option to add this to only one page, or add it to a layout making it appear on all pages that use the layout. Whichever you chose the instructions are the same.
  3. Open the your selected page/layout, and add the component to it.
  4. Add this small code anywhere on the page/layout: {% component 'Loading' %} Be sure to use the correct alias, if you haven't changed it, then it should be 'Loading'. The position of the code doesn't really count, since the arrow has a fixed position.
  5. That's it. You now have a working 'Loading' button on your page. It has no outside dependencies, so you don't have to worry about anything else.


The Component requires you to add the hex color codes you prefer. This free online application can help you with that: http://www.colorpicker.com/

  • Found the plugin not useful on 13 Jun, 2016

    Edit: plugins/cggstudio/loading/components/Loading.php -> onRun() $loading = new stdClass(); $loading->backgroundColor = $this->property('backgroundColorCGGStudio'); $loading->speed = $this->property('speedCGGStudio'); $this->page['loading'] = $loading;

  • Found the plugin not useful on 2 Jul, 2015

    Its not Working. Exception : Method not found!


Fix backgroundcolor

Dec 06, 2014


Added Russian language

Dec 05, 2014


First version

Dec 02, 2014