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You can find many topics to show 'Using Conditions & Scope not working', such as
I modify the code, \cms\modules\backend\widgets\Lists.php From line 432, change to:
$relationObj = $this->model->{$column->relation}();
$temp = $relationObj->getRelated()->newQueryWithoutScopes();
$a = $temp->getQuery()->wheres;
$b = $relationObj->getQuery()->getQuery()->wheres;
// delete No.0 condition
array_splice($b, 0, 1);
$temp->getQuery()->wheres = array_merge((array) $a, (array) $b);
$countQuery = $relationObj->getRelationCountQuery($temp, $query);
$joinSql = $this->isColumnRelated($column, true)
? DbDongle::raw("group_concat(" . $sqlSelect . " separator ', ')")
: DbDongle::raw($sqlSelect);
$joinSql = $countQuery->select($joinSql)->toSql();
$wheres = $temp->getQuery()->wheres;
$search = ' ? ';
foreach ($wheres as $id => $where) {
if (isset($where['value']) && (!is_object($where['value']))) {
$replace = ' ' . $where['value'] . ' ';
$pos = strpos($joinSql, $search);
if ($pos !== false) {
// Nothing found
$joinSql = substr_replace($joinSql, $replace, $pos, strlen($search));
$selects[] = Db::raw("(".$joinSql.") as ".$alias);
The reason is $relationObj->getRelationCountQuery did not add the conditions, and the Db::raw did not add the condition value. Because I am not know well the OctoberCMS, maybe it has a better modify.
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