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I build a backend plugin to control my database. This will not be a public plugin.

The default path of controllers and action is this

backend/[author name]/[plugin name]/[controller name]/[action name]

But how can I create my own path like "backend/[plugin name]/[controller name]/[action name]" or backend/sublevel1/sublevel2 etc.

Or anything like this, is this possible?

Also how I can set a default action on controller.

I mean this url "backend/[plugin name]/[controller name]" to load "backend/[plugin name]/[controller name]/[action name]"


You could RTFM, but if you are as lazy as me, you don't really have time for that ;-)

It is is very easy to do:

<?php namespace YourGroup\NameSpace\Controllers;

    use Backend\Classes\Controller;
    use BackendMenu;

    class CustomController extends Controller
        public function __construct()
        { //magical goodness here

        // Create a View partial in your in the corrorsponding folder of the same name as your controller
        // Partial name will the same name as your "action" ex:   yourcustomcontrolleraction.htm
        public function yourCustomControllerAction(){
                $arrayOfURIParams = $this->params; //Your other parameters in the URI

If you want to set the default action of the controller, create a method as follows(and create your index.htm partial in the controller folder:

public function index(){ //amazing code here

Hope this helps: BTW here is the manual

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