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I'm pretty new to October, but it's looking useful. I'm testing it by migrating an existing Laravel project (in order to make it easier for the client to manage). I originally installed using the Installer Wizard (as it's described as the 'recommended way'), so I don't have a composer.json in root.

I'm now trying to develop a plugin locally and need to include some packages. I've created a composer.json in my plugin folder and run composer install which has downloaded the packages into a vendor folder.

But how do I correctly reference these packages in my plugin? I've added use references to the packages, but I'm getting Class not found errors. I think i'm missing a step here, but I don't know what it is.

Any help is much appreciated.

EDIT: I've followed the instructions to add composer to a Wizard Installed instance. Now I can run composer update from the project root to update my plugin's dependencies.

But I still can't figure out the correct path to the classes to use.

Last updated


Hi, For example let’s add this package “Dingo Api” for our plugin October Cms

As I see you’ve already have composer, 1) Start by installing the package: in route plugin folder command line type:

 composer require dingo/api:1.0.x@dev.

2) Publish the configuration package: In October Cms Root :

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dingo\Api\Provider\LaravelServiceProvider"

3) Register the required service provider

Open the file Plugin.php in your root plugin folder

The in the register function:

public function register(){


[link text itself] Dingo/API implementation for OctoberCMS



It was the last step: adding the service provider that I was missing.

Working now!

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