OctoberCMS website gallery

Posted in Announcements on Jun 02, 2014

Today we are glad to announce the new Gallery section. In the Gallery we are going to collect the best websites made with October CMS. Each entry in the collection will display the developer name and URL as well as a short paragraph describing how October was helpful for the project.

Submitting a website to the gallery is free. In order to keep the Gallery clean and beautiful we will publish only the most quality work in terms of design and contents. If we like your work, we will contact you and request more information about the project, that includes:

  • The project name.
  • Short project description.
  • Developer name.
  • Developer website URL.
  • A paragraph explaining why October was useful for the project.
  • The author avatar image.

Although as usually we want to keep things clean and simple, we will continue improving the Gallery. If you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to share them!

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