Version History

October CMS Documentation Docs

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Version History

It is good practice for plugins to maintain a change log that documents any changes or improvements in the code. In addition to writing notes about changes, this process has the useful ability to execute migration and seed files in their correct order.

The change log is stored in a YAML file called version.yaml inside the updates directory of a plugin, which co-exists with migration and seed files. This example displays a typical plugin updates directory structure:

├── plugins | └── author | └── myplugin | ├── updates | | ├── version.yaml <== Version File | | ├── create_tables.php <== Database Script | | ├── seed_the_database.php | | └── create_another_table.php | └── Plugin.php

# Plugin Dependencies

Updates are applied in a specific order, based on the defined dependencies in the plugin registration file. Plugins that are dependant will not be updated until all their dependencies have been updated first.

<?php namespace Acme\Blog;

class Plugin extends \System\Classes\PluginBase
    public $require = ['Acme.User'];

In the example above the Acme.Blog plugin will not be updated until the Acme.User plugin has been fully updated.

# Plugin Version File

The version.yaml file, called the Plugin Version File, contains the version comments and refers to database scripts in the correct order. Please read the Database structure article for information about the migration files. This file is required if you're going to submit the plugin to the Marketplace (opens new window). Here is an example of a plugin version file:

v1.0.1: First version
v1.0.2: Second version
    - Update with a migration and seed
    - create_tables.php
    - seed_the_database.php
v2.0.0: Important update
v2.0.1: Latest version

Note: The version.yaml file should always use the first line for a text update that describes the changes and the remaining lines for update scripts. For more verbose updates, consider using a dedicated changelog file.

As you can see above, there should be a key that represents the version number followed by the update message, which is either a string or an array containing update messages. For updates that refer to migration or seeding files, lines that are script file names can be placed in any position. An example of a comment with no associated update files.

v1.0.1: A single comment that uses no update scripts.

# Important Updates

Sometimes a plugin needs to introduce features that will break websites already using the plugin. To prevent the changes from being deployed automatically, you should increase the major segment of the version string (major.minor.patch). An example of an important update comment is below.

v2.1.0: This is an important update from v1 that contains breaking changes.

When tagging the new version v2 from a version v1 then the changes are not deployed as part of a regular update. The user must install the plugin again to receive the latest version via Composer.

# Migration and Seed Files

As previously described, updates also define when migration and seed files should be applied. An update line with a comment and updates:

    - This update will execute the two scripts below.
    - some_upgrade_file.php
    - some_seeding_file.php

The update file name should use snake_case while the containing PHP class should use CamelCase. For a file named some_upgrade_file.php the corresponding class would be SomeUpgradeFile.

<?php namespace Acme\Blog\Updates;

use Schema;
use October\Rain\Database\Updates\Migration;

 * some_upgrade_file.php
class SomeUpgradeFile extends Migration